Environment: JR Studio 6.1.1 - APEX 20.2
I have one main report with 3 subreports and I like to print certain subreports depending on certain conditions.
My Main Report looks like:
In the detail bands 1,2,3 you see my SubReports A,B,C
within my sql query for the mainreport I put a case condition like:
when HV_ABRECHNUNG.TAGE_ANTEILIG > 0 then 'Ja' else 'Nein'
end PRINT_Anteilig, .....
For development and control purposes I put the result into a field marked (1). Later I delete this.
Then I used the "PRINT WHEN EXPRESSION in Jasper Reports Studio for the detail bands B and C (not to the subreport !!!).
You'll find these under Properties --> Appearance ... (click on the edit pencil):
new Boolean($F{PRINT_ANTEILIG}.equals("Ja"))
So this I applied to detail band 3 or C
and for detail band 2 or B I put in the expression editor:
new Boolean($F{PRINT_ANTEILIG}.equals("Nein"))
Good luck !!