Virtual Hands-on Lab
Autonomous Database for APEX Developers Part I and II wird es 16 und 18. Jui 2020 geben...
Moderator: Bo English-Wiczling
Director of Program Management
You'll learn hands-on how you can extend your APEX applications with new functionality by leveraging the new features that the Autonomous Database brings.
Think about MACHINE LEARNING (including theory),
geographical visualizations with SPATIAL,
security and self service visualization with ANALYTICS.
We'll go straight into these exciting topics and you'll be doing a lot of coding yourself in the exercises.
Participants will get access to an Oracle Cloud account.
Part I
Scheduled Labs 16th June:
- Lab 100: First steps with ATP
- Lab 200: Add Spatial to your APEX app
- Lab 300: Add Machine Learning to your APEX app
Part 2 Scheduled Labs 18th June:
- Lab 400: Add Security to your APEX app
- Lab 500: Add Analytics to your APEX app
Link zum Hands-on-Lab
Viel Spaß !!!
Oracle APEX Tipps and Tricks - Fortführung von (link in der Navigation)
Montag, 8. Juni 2020
Freitag, 24. April 2020
The making of COVID19.ORACLE.COM
COVID19.ORACLE.COM ist ein "Therapeutic learning System" und eine vom Oracle APEX Team entwickelte Anwendung, in der Covid19 infizierte ihr tägliches Wohlbefinden mitteilen können.
Am Anfang der Covid19-Krise in den USA gab es seitens der US Regierung einen Aufruf an alle Firmen, ihr Know How und Resourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen: "As part of a general mobilization of the tech industry to provide apps, tools, and cloud compute capacity,..." (wortlich aus dem ZDNet Artikel) - wie es weiter ging und
Wie es zu der App kam....
Die Story aus dem Munde von Joel Kallman umso beeindruckender - innerhalb der APEX@HOME 24 hour session am 16.4.20.... aufgezeichnet hier (bzgl. des Covid19 Projektes ab Min. 08:30h) - für mich hörte sich dies wie ein guter Krimi an...
Es lohnt sich, das anzuhören....
Als die App fertig war, gab es dann ein Announcement im White House hier.
Demo Video:
Als die App fertig war, gab es dann ein Announcement im White House hier.
Demo Video:
Freitag, 10. April 2020
APEX@HOME - 24 hours virtual conference - 24 speakers 16.April 2020
Awesome event - awesome speakers... just join and have fun!! - Start: Do., 16. April 06:00h deutsche Zeit - also: früh aufstehen !!
Recordings will be available via this link.
Our awesome APEX community has gotten together to create a virtual one day conference called APEX@Home! This will be a 24hr event with 24 speakers starting at 00:01 EDT on April 16th going until 23:59 EDT. We will be using the APEX Office Hours platform and Zoom link to host the event.
The format of talks will be 45 min talk (starting on the hour) followed by a 10 min Q&A from participants. We’ll allow a 5 min change over to switch to the next speaker then continue with the next talk.
What do you need to do?
Subscribe at so you can receive reminders for this special event.
We’ve created a schedule of all the talks (in APEX of course) that includes calendar links so you can easily add all the talks you want to attend to your calendar.
Pass this info along to all your friends, colleagues, etc. Help spread the word!
A lot of people in the community have stepped up to make this event a success so let’s all #MOCA!
12:00 AM = 06:00h Berlin-Time
Wenn man "Add to calendar" klickt, werden die Termine zu konvertierten Zeit im eigenen Kalender eingetragen ... alles started Donnerstag, 15 April 06:00h - früh aufstehen!!!
Update 16.04.2020 - 08:00h - Start-/End Zeiten sind jetzt DE-Zeiten jetzt: - Start: Do., 16. April 06:00h deutsche Zeit - also: früh aufstehen !!
Recordings will be available via this link.
Our awesome APEX community has gotten together to create a virtual one day conference called APEX@Home! This will be a 24hr event with 24 speakers starting at 00:01 EDT on April 16th going until 23:59 EDT. We will be using the APEX Office Hours platform and Zoom link to host the event.
The format of talks will be 45 min talk (starting on the hour) followed by a 10 min Q&A from participants. We’ll allow a 5 min change over to switch to the next speaker then continue with the next talk.
What do you need to do?
Subscribe at so you can receive reminders for this special event.
We’ve created a schedule of all the talks (in APEX of course) that includes calendar links so you can easily add all the talks you want to attend to your calendar.
Pass this info along to all your friends, colleagues, etc. Help spread the word!
A lot of people in the community have stepped up to make this event a success so let’s all #MOCA!
12:00 AM = 06:00h Berlin-Time
Wenn man "Add to calendar" klickt, werden die Termine zu konvertierten Zeit im eigenen Kalender eingetragen ... alles started Donnerstag, 15 April 06:00h - früh aufstehen!!!
Update 16.04.2020 - 08:00h - Start-/End Zeiten sind jetzt DE-Zeiten jetzt:
Title | Speaker | Start | End | |
TBD | Shakeeb Rahman | 16-APR-2020 06:00 | 16-APR-2020 07:00 | Add to Calendar |
Database Design for APEX Devs in 45min | Heli Helskyaho | 16-APR-2020 07:00 | 16-APR-2020 08:00 | Add to Calendar |
Database Links vs. REST Enabled SQL in APEX | Andreea Munteanu | 16-APR-2020 08:00 | 16-APR-2020 09:00 | Add to Calendar |
Using the PL/SQL Debugger | Philipp Salvisberg | 16-APR-2020 09:00 | 16-APR-2020 10:00 | Add to Calendar |
Wizard of ORDS | Roel Hartman | 16-APR-2020 10:00 | 16-APR-2020 11:00 | Add to Calendar |
Know your Browser Dev Tools! | Daniel Hochleitner | 16-APR-2020 11:00 | 16-APR-2020 12:00 | Add to Calendar |
The Ultimate Guide to APEX Plug-ins | Stefan Dobre | 16-APR-2020 12:00 | 16-APR-2020 13:00 | Add to Calendar |
Keynote / APEX 20.1 | Joel Kallman / Marc Sewtz | 16-APR-2020 13:00 | 16-APR-2020 14:00 | Add to Calendar |
A dozen things to do with Oracle APEX | Scott Wesley | 16-APR-2020 14:00 | 16-APR-2020 15:00 | Add to Calendar |
Bring the Light into Your Always FREE Autonomous Cloud | Dimitri Gielis | 16-APR-2020 15:00 | 16-APR-2020 16:00 | Add to Calendar |
Design Principles for Creating “Grrreat” APEX Applications | Simon Hunt | 16-APR-2020 16:00 | 16-APR-2020 17:00 | Add to Calendar |
APEX Debugging 101 | Peter Raganitsch | 16-APR-2020 17:00 | 16-APR-2020 18:00 | Add to Calendar |
APEX architectures | Niels de Bruijn | 16-APR-2020 18:00 | 16-APR-2020 19:00 | Add to Calendar |
Building Single Page Applications in APEX | Matt Nolan | 16-APR-2020 19:00 | 16-APR-2020 20:00 | Add to Calendar |
APEX and the REST of the World | Carsten Czarski | 16-APR-2020 20:00 | 16-APR-2020 21:00 | Add to Calendar |
Learning JavaScript Concepts from Real-World Solutions | Dan McGhan | 16-APR-2020 21:00 | 16-APR-2020 22:00 | Add to Calendar |
APEX Security Checklist | Scott Spendolini | 16-APR-2020 22:00 | 16-APR-2020 23:00 | Add to Calendar |
Advanced CSS/JS Techniques to Tweak You Application UI | Maxime Tremblay | 16-APR-2020 23:00 | 16-APR-2020 24:00 | Add to Calendar |
Browser DevTools: The other tool for APEX Development | Jorge Rimblas | 17-APR-2020 00:00 | 17-APR-2020 01:00 | Add to Calendar |
You’ve Got Mail: Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Mail in Application Express | Timothy St. Hilaire | 17-APR-2020 01:00 | 17-APR-2020 02:00 | Add to Calendar |
APEX developer's tools of the trade. Applications and tools to aid in application development. | Tyson Jouglet | 17-APR-2020 02:00 PM | 17-APR-2020 03:00 PM | Add to Calendar |
Top 10 tips to optimize APEX for mobile | Vincent Morneau | 17-APR-2020 03:00 | 17-APR-2020 04:00 | Add to Calendar |
Social Login while Social Distancing | Martin D'Souza | 17-APR-2020 04:00 | 17-APR-2020 05:00 | Add to Calendar |
Great features of SQL | Connor McDonald | 17-APR-2020 05:00 | 17-APR-2020 06:00 | Add to Calendar |
Montag, 6. April 2020
APEX - (a'peks) arrived in the White House - und in Lüneburg
sorry for cross-posting this:
Video link to above announcement App: @
meine ....
Video link to above announcement App: @
meine ....
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020
APEX und die DSGVO
Hier gibt es gute Betrachtungen und Aspekte zu APEX und der Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO).
Jeder/m bleibt selbst überlassen, was auf ihn/sie zutrifft und wie tief er/sie da einsteigen will oder muß.
Jeder/m bleibt selbst überlassen, was auf ihn/sie zutrifft und wie tief er/sie da einsteigen will oder muß.
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